Jai Uttal is a Grammy-nominated composer, musician, singer, and kirtan artist, as well as a pioneer in World Spirit Music.

Infused with the rhythms and melodies of East Indian folk and classical music, Jai’s sound also weaves elements of rock, jazz, reggae, and Appalachian ballads, creating a unique and deeply emotive musical experience.

Since his teenage years, Jai has traveled extensively through India, where he encountered remarkable saints, musicians, and, most significantly, his guru, Neem Karoli Baba. These experiences led him to embrace devotional chanting as the heart of his spiritual practice.

Over the past five decades, Jai has released more than 21 albums, each reflecting his inner journey on the path of Bhakti (devotion). Through his multi-textured and cross-cultural music, he has traveled the world, creating sacred and welcoming spaces where people can open their hearts and voices in collective celebration.


Jai uttal’s

Over the course of the last several decades, many people have asked me: “When will you write your memoir so your legacy can be passed onto future generations?” Well, I’ve certainly thought about it and, who knows, someday I may just do it.  But, in truth, my legacy lives in my songs and albums. Every tear, celebration, heartbreak, and exultation has been expressed in these words, mantras, and melodies.

They are the full total of me. Enjoy!

a taste …

Dear friends in sound and heart vibrations,

I have created an extensive collection of songs for you. From my first album, Footprints (1990), to my latest release, Dust & Tears (2023), I’ve produced 21 full albums, including the Grammy-nominated Mondo Rama (2002).

In addition to singles, this brings the total to a mind-blowing 204 tracks!

I invite you to explore and enjoy this journey.

Hanuman Chalisa for world peace


Bhakti Files - Jai’s writings.

One who embraces the path of Bhakti very quickly stops doing these practices to get anything or feel anything. Rather, the Kirtan becomes an outpouring of love and emotion to the beloved, an unburdening, an offering. I feel, when I sing, my connection to my guru, my longing to be closer, and my gratitude for His unending grace. Truly, the essence of Bhakti is surrender, offering our individual selves to the great ocean of pure consciousness, gently resting in the loving embrace of the Divine Mother, saying, “Not my will, but Thy will be done.
— Bhakti Files #1- Jai Uttal

join jai’s circle of inspiration
on patreon

Enter Patreon, a platform based upon an ancient principle, wherein fans can become an integral part of the lives of the artists they love. Through Patreon, I'm creating a circle of devotion; an opportunity for us to be involved in something bigger than ourselves. My devotion to you, my fans, echoes and mirrors your devotion to me and to my music, and together, like pebbles dropping into still water, our spirits can ripple outward with more energy, integrity and light. I'm inviting you to become part of my creative and devotional world. Be my co-creator by joining me on Patreon and allowing me to keep on giving my art and my heart to you.